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KDE related documentation. See also list of tickets below.


See also

Issues related to this page:

ProjectSummaryStatusPriorityCategoryLast updatedAssigned to
Linux softwareKDE: problem with sound deviceactivenormalbug report14 years 50 weeks
Linux software ibus does not work on second KDE session - dea…activenormalbug report14 years 6 weeks
Linux softwareproblems with KDE spellcheck language settings activenormalbug report14 years 48 weeks
Linux softwarekwin 100% cpu after kubuntu upgradeactivenormalbug report12 years 47 weeks
Linux softwareknotify4 fills up filesystem with .xsession-errorsactivenormalbug report9 years 10 weeks
Linux softwareKDE: What are gpg-agent and ssh-agent?activenormalfeature request8 years 49 weeks