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  • ~/.local/share/kmail2/
  • ~/.config/kmail2rc


Where is my local mail stored?

In KDE4, check the setting:

cat ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc | grep folders

Check the 'Path' setting in:

kmail stops filtering incoming emails


$ akonadictl fsck
$ akonadictl vacuum
$ akonadictl restart

See also:


If you can't seem to delete/move messages in a specific folder, go to akonadiconsole -> Browser -> right click the folder and clear cache, then restart akonadi.

See also

Issues related to this page:

ProjectSummaryStatusPriorityCategoryLast updatedAssigned to
Linux softwareColoring quoted text when composing mailactivenormalbug report12 years 46 weeks
Linux softwareSelect an 'html pen' to compose an email.activenormalfeature request12 years 46 weeks
Linux softwareUsability: configure Kmail message listactiveminorbug report12 years 34 weeks
Linux serverdifferent word wrap for quoted text.activenormalfeature request12 years 17 weeks
Linux softwarekmail: automatically show attachementsactivenormalbug report12 years 44 weeks
Linux softwarekmail: open tabs lost when changing layout sett…activenormalbug report12 years 44 weeks
Linux softwareKmail: does not warn if POP3 server closedactivenormalbug report12 years 13 weeks
Linux softwareKmail UI bug: explain the choice of authenticat…activenormalbug report12 years 13 weeks
Linux softwarekmail 4.18 stays in offline mode, unable to sen…activenormalbug report7 years 43 weeks
Linux softwareKmail: cannot view attachements inlineactivenormalbug report7 years 27 weeks
Linux softwarekmail: maildir new/ folder not emptyactivenormalbug report7 years 27 weeks
Linux softwarekmail regression: message structure panel goneactivenormalbug report6 years 46 weeks