Issues for Programming

Tickets related to programming done under Linux of free software, using open source languages (php, mysql, C++, etc.)

Summary Status Priority Category Component Replies Last updatedsort icon Assigned to Created
Bash: the wildcard * does not include the hidden . dot files. Which wildcard does? active normal feature requests Documentation 9 years 7 weeks 9 years 7 weeks
Bash: iterate over bash array in the order the elements were declared. active normal support requests Code 2 9 years 9 weeks 9 years 9 weeks
How to add the date to git log --oneline --decorate --graph? active normal support requests Documentation 9 years 9 weeks 9 years 9 weeks
How to stream the output of a command in a bash script? active normal support requests Documentation 9 years 10 weeks 9 years 10 weeks
Bash script: how does the $ wildcard work in git script? active normal feature requests Documentation 9 years 10 weeks 9 years 10 weeks
Regex: what does {N;d} mean? active normal support requests Code 1 9 years 11 weeks 9 years 11 weeks
Is there a place where we can see PHP <=> C++ equilavent libraries/function for a php developer starting with C++? active normal support requests Documentation 14 years 32 weeks 14 years 32 weeks
Boost library does not provide the name of the library to link to active normal bug reports Documentation 14 years 32 weeks 14 years 32 weeks
git add -i diff color in shell active normal feature requests Documentation 1 14 years 46 weeks 14 years 46 weeks
git shell active normal feature requests Documentation 14 years 46 weeks 14 years 46 weeks
wget: emulate javascript active normal support requests Code 1 14 years 48 weeks 14 years 48 weeks
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