Is there a place where we can see PHP <=> C++ equilavent libraries/function for a php developer starting with C++?

Category:support request
Related pages:#118: C++
Is there a place where we can see PHP <=> C++ equilavent libraries/function for a php developer starting with C++?
As a PHP developer starting with C++, I often ask myself: what is the equivalent of such-and-such PHP function in C++?
The advantage of php, is that we have a very nice site which documents about everything we might want to use. All the commonly used PHP modules are all listed in one place (
One of the difficulties of starting with C++ is that we always have to search all over the web for one (often one of many) equivalent of a php function.
It'd be nice to have a place where there is a table with the equivalent C++ library (or header) for each PHP module or group of function.