KDE web shortcuts

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Configuration files

configuration file for:
system settings > Workspace > Shortcuts > Web shortcuts

Each web shortcut has its own configuration file here:

See also:







Upgrade from KDE4 to KDE5:

cp ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/searchproviders/* ~/.local/share/kservices5/searchproviders/
cp ~/.kde4/share/config/kuriikwsfilterrc ~/.config/


To be able to use shortcuts in krunner, the given shortcuts must be activated by setting 'preferred shortcut':
system settings > Workspace > Shortcuts > Web shortcuts > Check the 'preferred' box.

Default browser

When using the web shortcuts within krunner, the browser used is the one configured here:

K menu >> System settings >> Personalisation >> Applications >> Default applications >> Web browser.

It is however currently not possible to configure a specific browser or specific application for a given shortcut. The default browser setting affects all of the web shortcuts.


It is possible to create alternatives to KDE web shortcuts, using a series of simple bash scripts. TODO: provide example scripts.

Issues related to this page:

ProjectSummaryStatusPriorityCategoryLast updatedAssigned to
Linux DistributionKonqueror: web shortcutactivenormalfeature request9 years 1 week
Linux softwareKonqueror: filter web shortcutsactivenormalfeature request9 years 2 weeks
Linux softwareKonqueror web shortcut: better configurability …activenormalfeature request9 years 1 week