Issues for Linux software

Summarysort icon Status Priority Category Component Replies Last updated Assigned to Created
Where does the wallpaperclock widget store the wallpapers? active normal support requests Documentation 2 12 years 34 weeks 12 years 34 weeks
Where is my PS1 defined? active normal support requests Documentation 8 years 24 weeks 8 years 24 weeks
Where is the down-arrow select character trick documented? active normal support requests Documentation 3 12 years 33 weeks 12 years 33 weeks
Which language packages to remove? active normal support requests Documentation 2 12 years 33 weeks 12 years 33 weeks
yuicompressor: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: with class org.mozilla.javascript.IRFactory active normal bug reports Documentation 1 7 years 24 weeks 7 years 24 weeks
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