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Summary Status Priority Category Component Replies Last updated Assigned tosort icon Created
konsole and bash script: attracting user attention when input is needed active normal feature requests Documentation 9 years 1 week 9 years 1 week
Bookmark within Konsole active normal feature requests Documentation 8 years 17 weeks 8 years 17 weeks
ibus (chewing, etc.) does not work in KDE applications closed normal bug reports Code 6 7 years 22 weeks 8 years 15 weeks
Konsole does not use global keyboard shortcuts to change tabs active normal support requests User interface 8 years 10 weeks 8 years 10 weeks
konsole: Warning: Could not start program '/bin/bash' with arguments '/bin/bash'. active normal bug reports Documentation 2 7 years 45 weeks 7 years 45 weeks
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