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Project Summarysort icon Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned to Created
Linux server sshd[pid]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key active normal support requests 12 years 17 weeks 12 years 17 weeks
Linux software Su-cheng input with a Dvorak keyboard active normal feature requests 12 years 33 weeks 12 years 33 weeks
Linux software subtitleeditor and GStreamer plugins missing active normal bug reports 13 years 18 weeks 13 years 18 weeks
Linux software subtitleeditor: output of .xml file for version control active normal feature requests 2 12 years 47 weeks 12 years 47 weeks
Linux software subtitleeditor: run two versions active normal support requests 12 years 47 weeks 12 years 47 weeks
Linux software subtitleeditor: wrong file name in window header active normal bug reports 12 years 47 weeks 12 years 47 weeks
Linux software Support elogind as an alterantive session tracker for systemd-logind. active normal feature requests 7 years 23 weeks 7 years 23 weeks
Linux hardware System (KDE, K3B, etc.) does not recognize empty medium (blank CD) active normal feature requests 12 years 37 weeks 12 years 37 weeks
Linux hardware System load viewer: reported CPU frequency misleading active normal support requests 11 14 years 15 weeks 14 years 15 weeks
Web site tagging issues does not link to issues with the same tag active normal bug reports 8 years 26 weeks 8 years 26 weeks
lftp (project) the -X option does not seem to work active normal bug reports 12 years 36 weeks 12 years 36 weeks
Linux software The ibus documentation should be embedded active normal feature requests 1 12 years 33 weeks 12 years 33 weeks
Linux software The Info node shell builtin commands in Info file /usr/share/info/ does not exist. active normal bug reports 1 8 years 26 weeks 8 years 26 weeks
Linux hardware the Linux Foundation and hardware manufacturers active normal feature requests 3 14 years 6 weeks 14 years 6 weeks
Linux server ufw status and iptables active normal support requests 12 years 13 weeks 12 years 13 weeks
Linux software Usability: configure Kmail message list active minor bug reports 12 years 14 weeks 12 years 14 weeks
Linux software usb drive keeps umouting itself active minor bug reports 3 14 years 14 weeks 14 years 14 weeks
Linux software usb media I/O error, disagree with fstab, system freeze active normal bug reports 12 years 15 weeks 12 years 15 weeks
Linux software Use cron to play a sound active normal support requests 2 14 years 14 weeks 14 years 14 weeks
Linux software User administration tools in different distributions active normal feature requests 7 years 34 weeks 7 years 34 weeks
Linux Distribution UTF-8 by default in konsole active normal feature requests 7 years 38 weeks 7 years 38 weeks
Linux hardware VIdeo card configuration problems. active normal support requests 9 12 years 36 weeks 12 years 37 weeks
Linux software vim darrc syntax highlighter active normal feature requests 7 years 3 days 7 years 3 days
Linux software vim: named syntax highlighting active normal bug reports 5 12 years 27 weeks 12 years 27 weeks
Linux Distribution Vim: no .srt highlighting by default active normal feature requests 1 8 years 25 weeks 8 years 25 weeks
Programming wget: emulate javascript active normal support requests 1 14 years 13 weeks 14 years 13 weeks
Linux software What are the 'main' and 'alternative' KDE task switchers? active normal feature requests 9 years 36 weeks 9 years 36 weeks
Linux software What are the groups in /etc/group for? active normal feature requests 3 9 years 40 weeks 9 years 41 weeks
Linux software What configuration files affect the PATH and other environment settings? active normal support requests 2 13 years 20 weeks 13 years 20 weeks
Linux software What does toe do? active normal feature requests 7 years 28 weeks 7 years 28 weeks
Linux software What is .xsession-errors? active normal feature requests 8 years 27 weeks 8 years 27 weeks
Linux hardware What is a bad block? active normal tasks 12 years 35 weeks 12 years 35 weeks
Linux software What is S_HDMV/PGS? active normal feature requests 1 8 years 15 weeks 8 years 15 weeks
Linux software What is the directory /etc/skel/ for? active normal feature requests 1 7 years 40 weeks 8 years 21 weeks
Linux software What is the opposite of maximize? active normal feature requests 7 years 25 weeks 7 years 25 weeks
Linux hardware What's /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs ? active normal support requests 2 14 years 15 weeks 14 years 15 weeks
Linux software Where does the wallpaperclock widget store the wallpapers? active normal support requests 2 12 years 34 weeks 12 years 34 weeks
Linux software Where is my PS1 defined? active normal support requests 8 years 24 weeks 8 years 24 weeks
Linux software Where is the down-arrow select character trick documented? active normal support requests 3 12 years 33 weeks 12 years 33 weeks
Linux software Which language packages to remove? active normal support requests 2 12 years 33 weeks 12 years 33 weeks
Linux software yuicompressor: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: with class org.mozilla.javascript.IRFactory active normal bug reports 1 7 years 24 weeks 7 years 24 weeks
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