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Summary Status Priority Category Component Replies Last updatedsort icon Assigned to Created
How to upload ssh keys to server so that I don't need to enter a password? active normal support requests Documentation 8 years 47 weeks 8 years 47 weeks
How to remove package that has not been properly installed? closed normal support requests Code 5 12 years 10 weeks 12 years 15 weeks
iptables-persistent install fail with monolithic kernel active minor bug reports Code 1 12 years 12 weeks 12 years 12 weeks
IMAP/POP3 authentication: what strong password hashing mechanism for a mysql backend? active normal bug reports Code 2 12 years 14 weeks 12 years 14 weeks
AUTHMODULES in the pop3d active normal bug reports Documentation 12 years 14 weeks 12 years 14 weeks
No manual entry for syslog.conf, no /etc/syslog.conf active normal support requests Documentation 4 12 years 14 weeks 12 years 14 weeks
iptables: what are counters? What is being counted and why? active normal support requests Documentation 1 12 years 15 weeks 12 years 15 weeks
iptables vs. ip6tables. Do I need both? active normal support requests Documentation 12 years 15 weeks 12 years 15 weeks
How to start/stop firewall / set up firewall via ssh? active normal support requests Documentation 2 12 years 16 weeks 12 years 29 weeks
set up iptables as a service active minor feature requests Code 12 years 16 weeks 12 years 16 weeks
You have new mail in /var/mail/root closed normal support requests Documentation 4 12 years 43 weeks 12 years 45 weeks
/etc/tripwire/tw.cfg missing: /etc/cron.daily/tripwire exited with return code 8 active normal support requests Documentation 1 12 years 45 weeks 12 years 45 weeks
ufw status and iptables active normal support requests Documentation 12 years 45 weeks 12 years 45 weeks
different word wrap for quoted text. active normal feature requests Code 12 years 46 weeks 12 years 46 weeks
get messages from last 24h (paged) with tail active normal feature requests Documentation 1 12 years 49 weeks 13 years 7 weeks
redirect cron logs active normal support requests Documentation 1 12 years 49 weeks 13 years 7 weeks
postfix/anvil[pid]: statistics: max connection rate 1/60s for ( active normal support requests Documentation 12 years 49 weeks 12 years 49 weeks
sshd[pid]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key active normal support requests Documentation 12 years 49 weeks 12 years 49 weeks
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