
sddm: setting image as background does not save full path

I use systemsettings > login > sddm settings and configure a custom image as background.
I select the image from a file using the dialog, then save.

But when I manually look at configuration file ( breeze # vi theme.conf.user), only the file name is saved, but not the full path.
I actually have to edit the conf file manually myself for it to work.

sddm: Image: Error decoding: file:video.mp4: Unsupported image format

After having added a video as background:

# sudo gpasswd -a sddm video
$ sddm-greeter --test --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/
[22:36:22.426] (WW) GREETER: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze//Background.qml:37:5: QML Image: Error decoding: file:// Unsupported image format

sddm: remember last user in tty

An apparent regression compared to KDM in KDE 4, is that KDM used to remember which user last logged in on the current tty.

I regularly open two, sometimes 3 sessions, and they are usually ordered in the same way.
I open my main session in tty7. I would often open a secondary session in tty8, and more rarely a 3rd one in tty8.
The main session in tty7 would always be the same user.
Most of the time, the session in tty8 would be a different user than in tty7, but the same one.

sddm: Add screen locker

sddm upgrade: missing logs and missing maui theme

Last night, I did an emerge update @world, which included an upgrade of sddm

I think it's this package x11-misc/sddm, but I'm not sure.
Installed versions: 0.14.0-r2(12:07:07 30/01/17)(consolekit pam -systemd)

In any case, when I logged in this morning, I was greeted by the sddm session manager with the message:
"The current theme cannot be loaded due to the errors below. please select another theme."
"file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/maui/Main.qml: file not found."

I know where and how to configure the sddm theme.

The problems are:


Main configuration file for the SDDM display manager.

Theme configuration:

# Current theme name

Themes are located within /usr/share/sddm/themes/.
Each subdirectory represents a theme and should contain a file Main.qml.
E.g. /usr/share/sddm/themes/maui/Main.qml

Simple Desktop Display Manager (SDDM)


sddm-greeter --test --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/




The variables in your theme's theme.conf.user override those in theme.conf.

Video background



Themes are located within /usr/share/sddm/themes/.
Each subdirectory represents a theme and should contain a file Main.qml.
E.g. /usr/share/sddm/themes/maui/Main.qml


To use a dvorak keyboard in sddm, you can add a line in the above file:
# setxkbmap "dvorak"

KDE will not start (blackscreen)

When KDE won't start, it may be due to a huge variety of reasons.
Use this page to document further the debugging workflow that will lead to the proper solution for each case.

Is X working?

Signs that X Server is working: You can see a black screen, and maybe a mouse cursor shaped like an X, but nothing else.
In tty1, you can do:

# ps aux | grep tty7

and see that is running.
If you kill the process, it restarts automatically, with the same results.
Thus, is properly running and is not the culprit.

Check /var/log/


KDE and systemd


logind depends on systemd.
The bug below shows that KDE developers fully expect users to use logind and systemd:

Bug 360489 -  kscreenlocker suggests running "loginctl unlock-sessions" even though I don't use systemd  

A reply from a KDE developer says that they won't fix this for users not using systemd:

Martin Gräßlin 2016-03-14 :

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