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Various configuration files for mplayer are available within ~/.mplayer/.
Use ~/.mplayer/input.conf to configure keyboard input.
$ mplayer -input keylist
KP1 = Key Pad 1 key.

Mplayer has great subtitle anti-aliasing and configuration capabilities. For a full configuration file example, check:

Subtitles with non-ascii characters

#91: mplayer OSD subtitles displays non-ascii characters as ???

If you have a subtitle file in a foreign language (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.) encoded in unicode (utf8) that doesn't display well with mplayer, try adding the -ass option (see man page).
You can add it in ~/.mplayer/config:

   # Turn on SSA/ASS subtitle rendering.

Audio filters


If you have a file with audio only one side (mono audio, with silence on the other side), you can equalize the sound so that you can hear the audio in both ears:

mplayer -af  pan=1:1:0 file.avi

Issues related to this page:

ProjectSummaryStatusPriorityCategoryLast updatedAssigned to
Linux software.rtf subtitles?activenormalfeature request14 years 42 weeks
Linux software{y:i} and other font attributes in mplayeractivenormalfeature request13 years 41 weeks
Linux softwaremplayer OSD subtitles displays non-ascii charac…activenormalbug report13 years 50 weeks
Linux softwaremplayer freezes when toggling full size ('f')activenormalbug report12 years 19 weeks
Linux softwaremplayer does not return error exit statusactivenormalbug report8 years 3 weeks