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Placeholder page for:
Keyboard hardware
keyboard configuration.
To change the keyboard layout for the whole system:
/etc/conf.d/ $ vi keymaps
# Use keymap to specify the default console keymap. There is a complete tree
# of keymaps in /usr/share/keymaps to choose from.
To change immediately:
# loadkeys dvorak
On Ubuntu, to make keyboard layout changes permanent, do:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
To configure the keyboard layout for sddm, edit:
and add a line:
setxkbmap "us"
# or
# setxkbmap "dvorak"
Issues related to this page:
Project | Summary | Status | Priority | Category | Last updated | Assigned to |
Linux software | loadkeys dvorak: Couldn't get a file descripto… | active | normal | bug report | 8 years 19 weeks | |
Linux Distribution | Keyboard layout: create obvious, easy configura… | active | normal | task | 8 years 16 weeks |