
What Desktop Environment for a low end or older computer?

What Desktop Environment for a low end or older computer?



$ free -m

cat /proc/meminfo


top => press M to sort by memory % usage.



ps aux --sort '%mem'
ps aux | awk '{print $2, $4, $11}' | sort -k2rn | head -n 10
ps -e -orss=,args= | sort -b -k1,1n | pr -TW$COLUMNS

Kicker used to have a system monitoring embedded => Now ctrl esc

Kicker used to have a system monitoring embedded.
Since Plasma 5, the system monitoring is gone.

How to prevent system lock-ups: when a process eats up all the memory

See the linked blog entry.


More importantly, what strategies could distributions put in place to safeguard from such occurrences? Can this be prevented? Can't the system notice that an application is requesting too much memory?

How to prevent system lock-ups: when a process eats up all the memory

A couple of days ago, I had the painful experience of having a process slowly but surely eating up all the available memory, filling up the swap memory, living me agonizing in front of a computer that wouldn't respond, too busy as it was to slowly die. If I take the trouble to relate the experience, it's because I believe a proper Linux distribution should take pro-active measures so prevent this kind of occurrence and allow the experienced user to take measures to recover from a potentially disastrous mistake.

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