Checklist of things to keep in writing, in case something bad happens...
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Imagine the scenario: you cannot boot your computer anymore. Maybe a hard drive is fried? You have no access to the internet and you're alone. What do you do? How do you deal with it?
Internet access
Make sure that you can have access to the internet when your computer cannot boot.
Prepare a live CD, learn how to use it to access the internet: write down what you need to remember to do so.
Write down (somewhere safe) your username and password and the URL of a popular Linux community: you may need to login and ask for help.
Hard drive information
One hard drive is down? Can't access the data inside? (Do you do regular backups?)
Some information that may prove handy are backup superblocks
. What are they? Where are they?
// man mke2fs
-n Causes mke2fs to not actually create a filesystem,
but display what it would do if it were to create a filesystem.
This can be used to determine the location of the backup
superblocks for a particular filesystem, so long as the mke2fs
parameters that were passed when the filesystem was originally
created are used again. (With the -n option added, of course!)
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Project | Summary | Status | Priority | Category | Last updated | Assigned to |
Linux hardware | Checklist of things to keep in writting, in cas… | active | normal | feature request | 13 years 27 weeks |