Universal bug tracking framework

We should design and promote a universal bug tracking framework.
See wiki page:

Bugzilla is a very poor tool:
- It is hard to have a ready made list of issues related to a single package. See first comment below. It's simply not obvious at first. Searching by package name only works with Gentoo which has unique identifiers for each package.
- It is impossible to see which bugs have patches attached, that need review, need work or that are ready to be committed. This is critical to find where there is code that could soon be committed, allowing developers to help each other move forward.
- It is not universal as defined in the Universal Bug Tracking wiki page. No bug tracker currently is.
- It does not support wiki-like editing of a bug summary, unlike Drupal's project_issue.module.
- It is not integrated with a full-fledged wiki and blog/discussion framework. See in particular: Hierarchy of contribution in Open Source
. ...


issues related to a single package

I wrote:

It is hard to have a ready made list of issues related to a single package.

As Maitreya pointed out in the gentoo forum, it is possible to search for a package like this: