French Republican Calendar

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Here are known applications which support the French Republican calendar:

Perl DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary

On Gentoo, install the perl dependencies:

emerge --ask dev-perl/Params-Validate
emerge --ask dev-perl/DateTime

Or install the perl modules manually:

# cpan
cpan[4]> install "Params::Validate"

# cpan  /frenchrevolutionary/

Then you can print the current date:

perl -MDateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary -le 'print DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary->now->strftime("%c")'

Or using a Unix timestamp:

$ date +%s
$ perl -MDateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary -le 'print DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary->from_epoch(epoch => 1455184597)->strftime("%c")'
Tri 23 Plu 0224 4:14:32
$ t=`date +%s` ; perl -MDateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary -le "print DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary->from_epoch(epoch => $t)->strftime('%c')"
Tri 23 Plu 0224 4:20:89

See the full documentation in the link below.


gcal support for the French Republican calendar is sketchy at best.

Apparently, the only supported option is to show a list of upcoming holidays and beginning of months:

$ gcal --holiday-list=long --french-revolutionary-months

Eternal holiday list:                      The year 2016 is A leap year

Start of common month 05/224 (FRR*)      - Thu,  21st Jan 2016 =  -21 days
Start of common month 06/224 (FRR*)      - Sat,  20th Feb 2016 =   +9 days
Start of common month 07/224 (FRR*)      - Mon,  21st Mar 2016 =  +39 days
Start of common month 08/224 (FRR*)      - Wed,  20th Apr 2016 =  +69 days
Start of common month 09/224 (FRR*)      - Fri,  20th May 2016 =  +99 days
Start of common month 10/224 (FRR*)      - Sun,  19th Jun 2016 = +129 days
Start of common month 11/224 (FRR*)      - Tue,  19th Jul 2016 = +159 days
Start of common month 12/224 (FRR*)      - Thu,  18th Aug 2016 = +189 days
Start of leap month 12/224 (FRR*)        - Sat,  17th Sep 2016 = +219 days
Start of common month 01/225 (FRR*)      - Thu,  22nd Sep 2016 = +224 days
Start of common month 02/225 (FRR*)      - Sat,  22nd Oct 2016 = +254 days
Start of common month 03/225 (FRR*)      - Mon,  21st Nov 2016 = +284 days
Start of common month 04/225 (FRR*)      - Wed,  21st Dec 2016 = +314 days

External resources

Issues related to this page:

ProjectSummaryStatusPriorityCategoryLast updatedAssigned to
Linux softwareGcal: mistakenly refers to French "revolutionar…activenormalbug report9 years 4 days
Linux software Perl DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary t…activenormalbug report9 years 4 days
Linux softwareHow to add the output of a command to the Bash …activenormalfeature request9 years 4 days
Linux softwarePerl: Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecatedactivenormalbug report8 years 20 weeks