
Perl DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary timezone problem

Right now, in my timezone, it 18:15 (UTC+8:00).

$ date
Thu 11 Feb 18:15:36 CST 2016

The local decimal time is 7:58.
However, if I do either of the following, I get the GMT (or Paris?) decimal time:

$ perl -MDateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary -le 'print DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary->now->strftime("%c")'
Tri 23 Plu 0224 4:27:05
$t=`date +%s` ; perl -MDateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary -le "print DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary->from_epoch(epoch => $t)->strftime('%c')"
Tri 23 Plu 0224 4:27:11

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