Gentoo Linux Enhancement Proposals (GLEP)

OpenRC GLEP proposal


There has been some serious concerns expressed in the Gentoo forums about the recent development of OpenRC. This blog entry tries to address them in a constructive, positive way. Should my personal opinion, expressed below, gain favourable reviews by the Gentoo community and by the OpenRC user community, this blog entry could be turned into a Gentoo Linux Enhancement Proposals (GLEP). If there is enough support for such a motion, the entire text below could be copied into the gentoo wiki, reformatted to fit the GLEP guidelines, and, of course, edited, amended and completed in which ever way the community sees fit in view of starting the official GLEP submission procedure. On the other hand, shouldn't there be any sufficient active support for such a motion, this blog entry will simply remain here, as a record of my opinion on the subject.

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