
This wiki page is about a path or a file in the Linux file system. Be bold and improve it! Describe its purpose and its use, which program created it and uses it, which configuration settings it might be dependent on, and which Linux distributions typically have this file by default while others might not.

If you have any questions about the content on this page, don't hesitate to open a new ticket and we'll do our best to assist you.

The content of this file is displayed to the user when they log in, e.g. via ssh.

See also:

What does "motd" mean? WHat does it stand for?
Which process / package creates this file?
What's the difference between this and /etc/issue?
What information can/should/shouldn't be put here?

# equery belongs /etc/motd
* Searching for /etc/motd ...
// no result

/etc/motd is created by the following script: