
This wiki page is about a path or a file in the Linux file system. Be bold and improve it! Describe its purpose and its use, which program created it and uses it, which configuration settings it might be dependent on, and which Linux distributions typically have this file by default while others might not.

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Reasons for NOT having a separate /boot partition

Not having a separate /boot partition is less hassle. It is the default for all Linux distributions and is suitable for most systems and home use. Use a separate partition only you have a very good reason to, for a specific need.

Reasons for having a separate /boot partition

Not mentioning historical reasons that are typically no longer valid today.

Use a separate /boot partition if:

* the boot loader cannot read the root filesystem, because of encryption, esoteric filesystems not supported by GRUB, etc.
LVM support was added to Grub 2 in October 2016.

* Dual or multi-boot: if you install several Operating Systems (e.g. several Linux distributions), and relying on the /boot of one of them, wiping that OS will render the system unbootable. With a separate /boot, you can delete/reinstall any OS but keep the system bootable for all existing OS's.


In case you have a separate partition for /boot, simply use ext2 for its filesystem as additional features in ext4 would not be useful.