Bash: write (echo) to stderr

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3.6.4 Redirecting Standard Output and Standard Error

# Both are OK:
echo "WARNING! My error message." 1&>2
1&>2 echo "WARNING! My error message."

Note that &>2 is the same as 1&>2 since 1 is stdout and is the default output channel.

Or you could define a function:

print_error() {
   echo "$@" 1>&2;

print_error "WARNING! My error message."

The following function would print everything passed to it:

print_error() {
    echo "$@" 1>&2;

stderred hooks on write() and a family of stream functions (fwrite, fprintf, error...) from libc in order to colorize all stderr output that goes to terminal thus making it distinguishable from stdout. Basically it wraps text that goes to file with descriptor "2" with proper ANSI escape codes making text red.